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Sports Injuries of the Knee

The knee is composed of three major bones: the tibia, the femur, and patella. The meniscus, a cartilaginous body, and numerous ligaments provide support and strength to the knee during everyday mobility. The meniscus provides shock absorption within the knee, while ligaments provide stability and support. Damage to any of these components can result in significant pain.

ACL Tears

Among the many ligaments attached to the knee joint, the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) plays a vital role in knee function. The ACL provides rotational stability and helps keep the tibia in place. Tearing of the ACL results in the loss of stability and strength in the knee, and patients will often lose mobility and report that their knee has "given out" from underneath them.

ACL tears are among the most common orthopedic sports injuries. Patients participating in contact sports or activities that put excessive stress on the knee joint are especially at risk for this type of injury.

A torn ACL can be treated through both surgical and non-surgical procedures. If the ACL is only partially torn, non-surgical treatment may be suggested. If the orthopaedic doctor recommends surgery, the torn tendon is surgically reconstructed by substituting the ligament with a graft made of tendon. This procedure is often performed arthroscopically, which may benefit the patient throught less scarring, less blood loss, and quicker post-operative recovery.

Torn Meniscus

A torn meniscus is a common sports injury for athletes requiring an extensive amount of mobility. Common causes of meniscus tears include: twisting or turning too quickly, awkward rotations of the knee, and heavy lifting. Older patient's menisci can be affected by degeneration over time. Treatment for tears depends on the type of tear of the meniscus. These meniscal tear types include:

  • Bucket Handle Tear
  • Longitudinal Tear
  • Flap Tear
  • Transverse Tear
  • Torn Horns
  • Radial Tears

Sports Medicine in Minneapolis

Dr. Jay Kruse is committed to excellence and providing a high quality of orthopedic care. Specializing in sports medicine and joint replacement, Dr. Kruse focuses on applying new and cutting edge technology to provide the best results for his patients. To make an appointment with Dr. Kruse, please call his Minneapolis offices at (763) 786-9543 or request an appointment online.